Hand-drawn Batik
Hand-drawn batik is a traditional textile art form that has been practised for centuries in various parts of the world, including Indonesia, Malaysia, and parts of Africa. It is a process that involves the use of wax and dye to create intricate designs on fabrics. The process is known for being expensive due to the precision, patience, and skill required to produce high-quality batik fabrics.
The production of hand-drawn batik involves several stages, each of which requires careful attention to detail. The first stage involves the selection of high-quality materials, typically cotton or silk.
The next stage involves the application of wax to the fabric using a tool called a canting. The canting is a small metal pen with a spout that allows the artist to control the flow of wax onto the fabric. The artist draws the design onto the fabric with the canting, applying the wax to the areas that they want to remain undyed. This is a painstaking process that requires a steady hand and a great deal of patience.
Once the wax has been applied, the fabric is dipped into a dye bath. The dye penetrates the areas of the fabric that are not covered by wax, creating a coloured design on the fabric. The process is repeated multiple times, with wax being applied and removed to create layered designs and multiple colours.
After the final dyeing, the fabric is boiled to remove the wax, revealing the intricate design created by the artist. The fabric is then washed and dried, and the process is complete.
The production of hand-drawn batik is a time-consuming process that can take anywhere from six months to two years to complete, depending on the complexity of the design and the number of colours used. The cost of producing high-quality batik fabrics is therefore high, reflecting the skill and effort required to produce them.
In ancient Indonesia, textiles were a symbol of wealth, power, and prestige for their owners.

batik pattern

canting with different size like pen, wax pot and stove

trace the deign onto the material using pencil

dip canting into hot wax

use a hot wax applicator known as canting to trace pencil line

use a hot wax applicator known as canting to trace pencil line

the part that cover with wax will be white colour in the final result

fill the inside with dot or small line using smaller canting

batik artist blow the canting to clear the dirt

sometimes unwanted wax drip.

clean the unwanted wax using hot iron

this batik looks almost done, acually this is just 30% process only. artist must repeat the wax covering in order to add 1 colour.

area to wash batik

area to wash batik